Ministries that make a
difference in your community


Every Tuesday & Thursday evening, we get together with volunteers and donors to serve a community meal and meet other basic needs for our homeless, transient, and housing-insecure neighbors. We also provide shoes, coats, and blankets to those in need, on the First Friday of every month.

This building, 302 West Market Street, is also our donation drop-off site for clothing, shoes, and other items. We accept donations every Monday from 4-6pm, every Wednesday from 11am-1pm, and the last Saturday of every month from 10am-12pm.

CLICK HERE to learn more


We operate two community gardens (and we’re developing a third) in the Alphabet Streets neighborhood of Anderson. These gardens provide a place for community members and volunteers to come together to grow food, faith, and friendship. We provide produce from these gardens to the surrounding community and also use them as greenspaces where neighbors can enjoy the outdoors and all God’s creation has to offer.

CLICK HERE to learn more


Village Homes currently consists of a single housing unit (with hopes to add more in the future). This home was constructed by the Leadership Anderson program, class 35, and was donated to The LOT Project in 2021. This program provides a transitional housing unit - a stepping stone - available to those who have graduated from local residential care facilities or rehab programs. As they graduate and move on from residential care, they can apply to live in this home for 6 to 12 months to ease the transition to life on their own.

While in the home, residents focus on goal setting and take financial management classes. This program is an affordable and Christ-focused way to get back on one’s feet.


West Market Makers is a co-creative space, including a communal studio area for artists and a workshop featuring woodworking and basic welding tools. 

At West Market Makers, we want to provide an affordable and inclusive creative space for adult makers of all levels and backgrounds to share and grow as a community and give ourselves to the good work of creative stewardship. We believe everyone has the capacity to create, and creating holds the potential to heal and cultivate our humanity in beautiful ways. We want to nurture an atmosphere of generosity and friendship, where diversity and oneness can find space together.

CLICK HERE to learn more.